ipad holder / tablet stand

产品价格 US$20.00
发货地 Surabaya, Surabaya City, East Java, Indonesia
供应能力 1 件 / week
平均生产时间 2 days
Product packaging Poly bags
国际贸易术语解释通则 FOB


    ipad holder / tablet stand

    IPAD HOLDER made for desktop working. 
    our holder is designed for those who work on their tablet for a long period of time; designing, drawing, studying, taking notes, marking documents. viewing a tablet on a flat surface for a long time will put a strain on your neck and wrist. we created our tablet holder with a nice elevation angle, so we can view and work on our table comfortably. the design is ergonomic and will enhance your productivity.
    available in black or white
    printed with PRUSA i3mk3
    material: PLA
