***UPDATE 2017-1-18***
Added a 5.1 mm and 3.2 mm (1/8") configurations for Block 2. These are untested for both printing and use. I checked in the model and
...显示更多 there should be clearances for the foam and the razor blade, but I can't guarantee it works like the model for the standard 3/16 inch foam.
***UPDATE 2016-4-30***
Increased the spacing for the razor blade to allow for various "x-acto" types.
Changed the relief angle on Block-2 so that longer blades can fit.
Added chamfers to the edges of both blocks to prevent the paper from grabbing. There is a small indent on the edges of the boards on the laser cut kits and the overhanging paper can grab on the edges. The chamfers help prevent this.
Set the STL orientation to the ideal print orientation. No supports are required.
New photos of the printed object and final product
Added a video of the cutter in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w7lYyUkhDSs
Cutting 45 degree bevels in dollar tree foam board (DTFB) takes more skill than I can produce, so I designed this tool to hold the #11 x-acto blade at the correct angle for me.
Place the blade in the cutout on BlockV2-1. Use a 2mm screw in the center hole to press BlockV2-1 and the x-acto blade against BlockV2-2. Use 3mm screws to secure the two blocks. They should thread into the plastic.
I have used this tool to help build several kits from Flite Test.