Yet Another Fidget Infinity Cube

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###**I have revised this model and released v2 of my cube! Please check it out here:**

I loved the idea of a 3D printed...显示更多 fidget infinity cube, but was sorely disappointed by the models available on Thingiverse. Some printed well enough to turn, but none had been optimized well for 3D printing. I set out to create my own version, with tolerances and hinges designed perfectly to turn right off your print bed.

Prints at 0.2 mm layer height and takes about 4.5 hours. Please let me know your results!

UPDATE 12/19/2017: Fixed a couple of internal walls that were causing issues with certain slicers. Thanks to @th_in_gs for the help!

UPDATE 3/31/2018: If you're using Cura, be sure to disable "Ignore Small Z Gaps" under your "Shell" settings! Thanks @runtimeterror for discovering this fix.
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