How to hand out business cards in style?
I was ordering business cards for my STEM events, then I thought: “hey, isn’t it boring if I give out the cards just lik
...显示更多e everybody else?”, so I decided to do something cool - design a 3D printed business card holder, which looks like a jet engine fan case.
(Disclaimer: No proprietary data/information was used to design this model)
Attached are some pictures of my design and the actual product...
The card holder has 22 slots, which represent 22 fan blades on the jet engine. Each slot can hold up to 7 cards, hence the whole thing can store up to 154 cards at any one time!
I have designed two versions for this business card holder.
Version 1: Stationary (The Fan doesn't spin)
I have printed and tested this model (as you can see in the pictures) and it's really impressive!
If you want to make a copy of this, please download the "Business_Card_Holder.stl" file
Version 2: Rotating (The Fan does spin!)
You really want to take your aero business card holder to the next level of creativity?, then this model is perfect for you!
All you need to do is:
1, Download and print these two parts: "Card_Holder.stl" and "Base.stl".
2, Purchase 1-off standard ball bearing with this dimensions:
Inside diameter: 20mm
Outside diameter: 40mm
Race width: 14mm
You can purchase them from here for example:
3, Once you get the parts printed, insert the ball bearing into "Card_Holder" first, then press the assembly onto the "Base". Done!
Is this one of the coolest business card holders you ever seen?
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