28mm Mars Warlord Titan (now with rivets & ex

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SCALE UP by 572% to get 22 inches overall.

The entire model is pretty much complete as of now, I will be adding some changes to the laser blasters probably soon...显示更多 and maybe adding a plasma cannon alternate arm weapon.

(Power Fist uploaded) (Carapace Vulcan Quad Bolter uploaded) (Starmalice Plasma Cannon uploaded (for LEFT arm, mirror for right))

Files denoted OPTIONAL are without rivets, You can print them in place of the riveted version.

Printing status: Printed everything except the laser blaster carapace weapon. creating a display base for the model.

building notes: you will need to put the arms in between the torso before gluing it (the arms should still be free to swivel from side to side).


The original model was designed by Stroganoff (his thing is linked) and I would like to thank him for making it because it looks amazing.

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