Gravity Pipe with Stand

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So I printed the original, and then found a few issues with it, mainly the mason Jar lid was a bit tight and caused some layers to separate when tightening the lid....显示更多 So I remixed it and added some holes in the pattern to add some details and cause it draw air a little bit slower at least it seems a bit slower to me.

I also designed some 3D right angles (for a glass bowl / Hookah hose) and these right angles should fit right into the arches (two designs supplied, one with a leaf pattern and a second without.

Parts List:

GravMason - New and improved Mason Jar lid with Holes
Axle: Central Axel that is non rotating (the Mason Jars Orbit around this)
90Angle: 90 Degree bend to accept the Axle and allow a Glass bowl to be attached to the top
Arch Stand: allows the 90 degree part to sit on the top of an arch to allow clearance and allow free rotation of the rest of the parts.
Axle Shroud: Spacers so that you can get things lined up without things shifting around too much. Put these on the axle before you slot the axle into the 90 degree angles
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