Epic Scale Tyranid Hormagaunt Proxy low pol

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a tyranid hormagaunt proxy model for epic. very basic shapes but hopefully they capture the nature of the critter (enough for 6mm anyway).

as per request from...显示更多 fellow thingiverscateer i'm redoing the cookie cutter models i made as low poly models. may also expand the range beyond the original... 9 from memory. feel free to drop a request if you need something specific.

have been netfabbed.
[update 2018-04-18: i have now printed a test batch and they're not horrific (0.1mm). with supports they require some pretty delicate shucking, which would be annoying if printing hordes of them. haven't tried them without supports. i only cleaned one (pic) and i envisage lots of accidental breaks, superglue, stuck-fingers and swearing for filament printers.]

will be adding further model types and possibly poses in the not too distant.

the hormagaunts will likely be getting some extra leapy poses; i actually really like hormagaunts - along with genestealers they're so iconic of this faction. oh, and
they're meant to have another set of arms, but honestly, at 6mm are you really going to see that?! enjoy.
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