Elite Dangerous / Flight Sim Cockpit Joysti

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Do you want the best Elite Dangerous / Flight Simulator Cockpit experience? Then these 3D printed Joystick mounts are what you need. Offering a swivel and removable...显示更多 design they sit in the most comfortable place for long hours of gameplay. Quickly swivel them out of the way for easy sit-down and stand-up. Easily detach from the chair when not in use.

Video of working swivel: https://youtu.be/-F06L80E2zE

The chair mounts have been specially designed for the Baku Medium Back Chair from Office Works.

Chair Link: https://www.officeworks.com.au/shop/officeworks/p/baku-medium-back-chair-white-jbbakumbwh

Printed everything in PLA on the Anycubic I3 Mega
The print time is around 3-4 days.
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