由that_guy_wit创建的Dagger of Mortis

3D model of casestudyno8
The models were repaired and checked for printability.

The Dagger of Mortis from mystical planet Mortis featured in the Clone Wars!

All...显示更多 of the STLs are in the orientation I printed them. Personally, I printed the Lower Blade, Middle Blade and Upper Blade with supports generated in Cura. The joints on the blade parts are meant more to be glued than a friction fit like many of my other models. The Handle Rod can be replaced with any 4 inch long, half inch diameter rod if you do not want to print that piece.

In order to preserve the sharpness of the Upper Blade, it is beneficial to print 2 or 3 at the same time in order to let the tip cool between layers.
27 models uploaded