Female Torso, Esquiline Type von Penelope_3dm

Größe: 5.44 x 1.5 x 6.63 zoll x 1
Größe: 2.13 x 1.5 x 6.43 zoll x 1
3D model of cosmowenman
The models were repaired and checked for printability.

Captured in the Louvre by Cosmo Wenman, November 2012.

I captured this piece in the...Zeig mehr Louvre, but I processed, printed, and am publishing it in connection with NPR story.

Unfortunately, the story did not mention my current Skulpturhalle project, or my forthcoming publication of Venus de Milo or Winged Victory.

I took 140 photos of this piece in November 2012. The lighting was poor, and the staging was difficult, and I got middling results processing them with 123D Catch. I recently ran them through ReCap Photo and got much, much better results. I edited it with Blender and added a base, but I've included the unedited version as well, which includes portions of the Louvre gallery.

The versions with a base are scaled to roughly match the human scale of the "Male Torso, Diadumenus Type" which I've also published. I had both the male and female torsos printed at the same scale, with the male figure at roughly 10 inches tall on an Objet printer. They turned out very nicely and make a nice pair standing side-by-side.

I think both figures will print cleanly in PLA without any supports.


From the Louvre's catalog description (good luck finding it on their main site):

"This Aphrodite belongs to the Esquiline type, named for the Roman hill where the most complete specimen was found."

From Wikipedia:

"In style the Esquiline Venus is an example of the Pasitelean "eclectic" Neo-Attic school, combining elements from a variety of other previous schools - a Praxitelean idea of the nude female form; a face, muscular torso, and small high breasts in the fifth-century BC severe style; and pressed-together thighs typical of Hellenistic sculptures...

The statue's subject has variously been interpreted as the Roman goddess Venus (possibly in the form Venus Anadyomene), as a nude mortal female bather, a female version of the diadumenos tying up the hair with a fillet."
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