Make #2 - Spinning Top から Johnnn_3d

サイズ: 2.44 x 1.71 x 1.62 in x 1
サイズ: 0.99 x 1.01 x 1.62 in x 1
Model Description
3D model of faberdasher
The models were repaired and checked for printability.

A spinning top to delight kids (of all sizes) this festive season. Print out; pop in...さらに表示 a penny, a euro or US cent and watch it spin!

Slice with 2 shells (/perimeters) and ~5% infill. At coarse resolution (0.3mm), you will find prints have extra shimmer (and print quicker!).
Created in stunning Faberdashery Robot Silver PLA^.
Object requires ~10g of material (~2m of 3mm / ~4m of 1.75mm filament).

Finish by adding a coin to the base for weight, and push-fit the two halves together.
75 models uploaded