由Eddie_S创建的Falling Ladder via Desmos

3D model of designmaketeach
The models were repaired and checked for printability.

Falling Ladder design was created from a graph and converted to an STL.

This...显示更多 thing is a 3D rendering of a 2D graph example in Desmos.com that is named Lists: Falling Ladder The purpose is to provide a model demonstrating the end product of the conversion of 2D graph in Desmos to a 3D model. As kitwallace points out in the comments, this would be an incorrect solution to a falling ladder problems as the lines are regular intervals. Please feel free to share a correct solution.

Update: New model with x & y axis added.

This thing was converted with Tinkercad.

Graph to 3D Print
Graph to 3D Print
-Create graph at Desmos.com or use one of the provided examples
-Set graph color to black
–Graph Settings: Click Projector Mode
–Graph Settings: Turn off grid and axis
-Take a screenshot of the graph area
OR -Login to Desmos and save the image. Share Graph –> Image
-Convert image to SVG using Online-Convert
-Download SVG
-Import SVG into Tinkercad (Try 10% scale and 2mm height)
-Scale model and download STL
-3D Print

Advanced - graph manipulation
Advanced – graph manipulation
-Import screenshot or graph image to Inkscape
-Path > Trace Bitmap
-Select graph and Edit Paths by Node
-Modify stroke style to create thicker lines for printing
126 models uploaded