PCB Prototyping up to 2 Layers

#PCB Prototyping
Service rate €35.00 / 小时
Min. order 1 小时
发货地 Ackergasse 6, 55585 Altenbamberg, Germany
平均生产时间 3 days
Holes (drilling)
0.3mm to 1.2mm in 0.1mm increments
0.2mm, 0.3mm, 0.4mm, 0.5mm, 0.95mm
Holes (milling)
2mm and bigger


PCB Prototyping up to 2 layers Please include:  Gerberfiles of Top, Bottom, Edgecut Drillfile (Excellon, SRL, TXT) Silkscreen will be aviable later with laser Please make sure that all units are in mm Green Soldermask mostly aviable for other colors please contact me.