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关于 Wolf 3D Printing Services

Wolf 3d Printing services, is Pune based 3d printing and prototype manufacturing service provider. We have tag Line THINK. DESIGN. 3D PRINT. We have focused on providing high end solution for prototyping phase of product development as well as handling batch production. We have placed our services FastTrack and easy to access so that our clients can focus more on developing innovative products. In Past few years we have provided our services to many different clients and helped them making their product success. We have special expertise on 3d printing and post processing, we also provide 3D cad modelling services in special cases. Till date we have experience of 100+ Different projects

Shipping options

Pune, Maharashtra, IN
公司类型 Manufacturing Business
所有权 Other
国际贸易术语解释通则 -
全部员工 <10
成立年份 2019
年营业额(美元) 25000



Treatstock Achievement

Registration 4 years
Avg. response time more 48h