Phrozen Sonic Mighty 4K

Sonic Mighty 4K #0


Build Volume 200 x 125 x 220 mm
Layer Resolution Low 300 microns
Layer Resolution High 10 microns
Print Speed Max. 80 mm/ hour
品牌 Phrozen
机器类型 3D Printer
技术 DUP(基于LCD的直接UV打印)
材料 树脂, 可塑树脂, 强化树脂, 软树脂, TR250 Resin
均价 联系制造方

关于Sonic Mighty 4K

Sonic Mighty 4K is a resin 3D printer from Phrozen. It has a mid-size build volume of 200 x 125 x 220 mm and a 4K LCD screen for masking. It is compatible with 405 nm resins, which it can cure with amazing speeds. Short printing time without quality loss - is the main advantage of this machine.


  • 4K LCD screen;
  • 2.8" touchscreen;
  • USB connectivity;
  • Compatible with 405 nm resins.
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Sonic Mighty 4K looks a lot like Sonic Mini 4K and shares the same features with the key difference being a larger build volume. However, with the volume increase comes a small quality drop – the same matrix and 4K masking screen on a larger scale created a definition of 52 nm per pixel. For the reference, that is slightly worse than 2K model.

What does that mean?

For bigger or less detailed models this change won’t be critical – Mighty 4K is capable of printing fine models. But on high-resolution parts with lots of intricate details, you might notice that elements start to become smoothed out and more blurry.

So, Mighty 4K isn’t worth it?

Well, actually that’s not true either. For many applications, including professional ones, Mighty’s big volume paired with fast printing speeds is a great deal. This machine is able to print many parts or single large models relatively quickly, and playing with settings of platform speed and pause between layers increases its efficiency even more.

Design and Structure

As mentioned, Mighty 4K is quite similar to Mini 4K but if you aren’t familiar with that model, here is a quick rundown:

  • The machine is relatively lightweight. It has all the hardware in the bottom and a brownish plastic cover on top, which can be fully remove.
  • Z-axis is supported from 2 sides, and it is quite sturdy.
  • VAT bath is made from plastic, which is lightweight and easy to clean. It also has handles for simpler resin change and a hole for resin removal. (Note: in Mini the VAT is made from aluminum)
  • The build plate has a rough surface to help adhesion.
  • Operational System is very simple, the touchscreen used for control is easy to work with and has only the useful features.
  • As a light source, the printer uses a parallel matrix version 2. It delivers even curing across the whole build plate.

评价 4.8 2 reviews

Love the printer. Customer support quality varies based on problem. Decent build quality. Super solid resin printer for the price.