Creality Sermoon V1


Build Volume 175 x 175 x 165 mm
Layer Resolution Low 400 microns
Layer Resolution High 100 microns
Nozzle Diameter 0.4
Filament Diameter 1.75
Machine type 3D Printer
Technology FDM (Fused Deposition Modeling)
Materials PLA, ABS, Nylon, Wood PLA, ASA, Rubber-like (TPU), PETG
Average Price Contact manufacturer

About Sermoon V1

Creality's Sermoon V1 is an FDM 3D printer with a full enclosure, which makes it suitable for more plastics that require temperature consistency. This machine is shipped fully assembled and ready to print right from the box. Other key details include silent hardware, which makes printing relatively quiet. The machine has a built-in camera and auto-leveling, making it possible to remotely control the whole process.Features:

  • WiFi and SD card Connectivity;
  • Built-in camera;
  • Auto leveling;
  • Full enclosure;
  • Quiet operation;
  • LED lighting;
  • Safety sensor on the door;
  • 4.3" colorful touchscreen.

Reviews 4.2 1 reviews

Print Quality
Ease Of Use
Failure Rate
Running Expenses
Build Quality
Customer Service
Feb 12, 2023
Good beginner-friendly enclosed printer. With some hairspray, this thing is a PETG and ABS champ. The Sprite extruder also handles TPU surprisingly well, and PLA is no issue. There isn't much open-source firmware for this one, but there are a few GitHub projects attempting to run klipper and more advanced marlin features.