FDM - Refundable Sample 3D Print - PETG

产品价格 €4.42
发货地 34380 Saint-Martin-de-Londres, France
供应能力 100 件 / day
平均生产时间 2 days
Product packaging Paperboard boxes
Shipping packaging Corrugated box
国际贸易术语解释通则 FCA


    FDM - Refundable Sample 3D Print - PETG

    This is the perfect illustration of an optimized print : the design matches FDM constraints and use them as an improvement on quality and strengh. 

    Our precisely tuned slicer and printer (Ratrig 3.0), we will provide you high ends 3D prints like this one.
    Our 3D printers are around 80% faster than an average one, lower machine time and powerusage and therefore a lower cost. 

    Here, the unit price is aligned with a typical batch of 100 units in one order.
    This sample purchase can be refunded on your next 100 €+ order. 

    We'd be happy to ship you one as a sample.
    Nice feedbacks are more than welcomed. 

    3D model designed by  Isaiah (thingiverse.com/thing:4727448)
